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28/06 16:43:39

The following sentences are extracted from a sample answer for the following task. Choose the correct sentences for the suggested words

The following sentences are extracted from a sample answer for the following task. Choose the correct sentences for the suggested words.
Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?
Internet/begin/rival newspapers/best place/find information/happening/in/world.
a. The Internet is beginning to rival newspapers as the best place to find information on what is happening in the world.
b. Internet has begun to rival newspapers as the best place to find the information about what is happening in the world.
c. The Internet is beginning to rival newspapers as the best place to find information about what is happening in the world.
d. Internet begins rivalling find information as the best place to find information about what happens in the world.
Câu hỏi 8
I/believe/trend/continue/Internet/soon/be just/important/traditional press.
Chọn một:
a. I believe that the trend is continuing, and Internet is going to be soon just more important than traditional press.
b. I believe that this trend will continue, and the Internet will soon be just as important as the traditional press.
c. I believe that this trend will be continued, and Internet has soon been just less important than the traditional press.
d. I believe that this trend has continued, and the Internet is soon just as important as the traditional press.
Câu hỏi 9
On the one hand, I believe/newspapers/continue/be/vital source of information/even/Internet age.
Chọn một:
a. On the one hand, I believe that newspapers will continue to be a vital source of information, even in the Internet age.
b. On the one hand, I believe that newspapers is continuing to be a vital source of information, even in Internet age.
c. On the one hand, I believe that newspapers should continue to be vital source of information, even in the Internet age.
d. On the one hand, I believe that newspapers have continued to be a vital source of information, even in Internet age.
Câu hỏi 10
Firstly, newspapers/most traditional means of communicating the news/not everyone/want/or/able/use/Internet instead.
Chọn một:
a. Firstly, newspapers are the most traditional means of communicating the news, and not everyone wants to or is able to use the Internet instead.
b. Firstly, newspapers used to be the most traditional means of communicating the news, and not everyone wants to or is able to use the Internet instead.
c. Firstly, newspapers was the most traditional means of communicating the news, and not everyone wants to or is able to use Internet instead.
d. Firstly, newspapers are the most traditional means of communicating the news, not everyone want to or able to use the Internet instead.
Câu hỏi 11
For example, old people or those/in/rural areas/not have/ability/opportunity/get online/many of us simply/prefer/newspapers/even if/we/Internet access.
Chọn một:
a. For example, old people or those in the rural areas are able to have the ability or opportunity to get online, while many of us simply prefer the newspapers even if we have Internet access.
b. For example, old people or those in rural areas may not have ability or opportunity to get online, whereas many of us simply prefer newspapers even if we do Internet access.
c. For example, old people or those in rural areas might not have ability or opportunity to get online, but many of us simply prefer newspapers even if we can make Internet access.
d. For example, old people or those in rural areas might not have the ability or opportunity to get online, while many of us simply prefer newspapers even if we do have Internet access.
Câu hỏi 12
Secondly, newspapers/trust/reliable sources of news/employ professional journalists and editors.
Chọn một:
a. Secondly, newspapers are trusted as reliable sources of news yet they have employed professional journalists and editors.
b. Secondly, newspapers must be trusted like reliable sources of news as they employ professional journalists and editors.
c. Secondly, newspapers should be trusted as reliable sources of news and they are employing professional journalists and editors.
d. Secondly, newspapers can be trusted as reliable sources of news because they employ professional journalists and editors.
Câu hỏi 13
Finally, people/the experience/hold/read/paper/look/computer screen.
Chọn một:
a. Finally, lots of people would rather the experience of holding and read a paper than look at a computer screen.
b. Finally, plenty of people like the experience of holding and reading a paper to looking at a computer screen.
c. Finally, few people prefer the experience to hold and read a paper rather than look at a computer screen.
d. Finally, many people like the experience of holding and reading a paper rather than looking at a computer screen.
Câu hỏi 14
However, Internet/become/just/popular/newspapers/reasons.
Chọn một:
a. However, the Internet is likely to become just as popular as newspapers for a variety of reasons.
b. However, Internet is much likely to become just more popular than newspapers for load of reasons.
c. However, Internet may become just less popular than newspapers with a number of reasons.
d. However, the Internet has become just as popular as the newspapers with a lot of reasons.
Câu hỏi 15
main reason/allow/us/fast/access/news/real time/wherever we/, on different gadgets and mobile devices.
Chọn một:
a. The main reason is it allows us less fast access to news in real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices.
b. The main reason is that it allows us much faster access to news in real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices.
c. The main reason is that it allows us faster access with news in real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices.
d. The main reason is that allows us much faster access news with real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices.
Câu hỏi 16
final point/this source/news/damaging/environment.
Chọn một:
a. The final point is this source of news is more damaging to the environment.
b. The final point is the source of news is much damaging with the environment.
c. A final point is that source of news is less damaging for the environment.
d. A final point is that this source of news is less damaging to the environment.
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