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29/06/2024 15:30:58

Complete the sentences using SAY, TALK, TELL, ASK, SPEAK

Complete the sentences using SAY, TALK, TELL, ASK, SPEAK 
1. When the child was in bed, his mother...him a story.
2. When Mary left she...'' I''ll call again next day ''
3. I've left my watch at home. Could you...me the time ?
4. What is the word for someone who can...2 languages ?
5. I saw Peter yesterday, and he...he was going to buy a new car.
6. Can you...the differences between butter and margarine ?
7. What did Jenny ... to you when you ...about the party ?
8. Sorry, could you ... up? I can't hear very well
9. I don't know what you are ... about
10. Could you ... the way to the station , please ?
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