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29/06/2024 19:23:56

Fill in eqch blank with the simple past tense of the verb from the box( play, go, do, buy, teach, lose, score, win, become, ẹnoy)

Fill in eqch blank with the simple past tense of the verb from the box( play, go, do, buy, teach, lose, score, win, become, ẹnoy)
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. We really
the game last Sunday.
3. In 1958, at the age of 17, Pelé
4. The Canadian hockey team
5. The home team
6. My father
7. I
his first World Cup.
six goals against Switzerland.
very well, but they lost the match.
me how to ride a bike.
a new baseball cap last week.
8. At the age of 17, Messi
Spanish La Liga.
9. She has a black belt in karate. She first
the youngest official player and goal scorer inthe
1-0 to Germany in the final.
karate when she was seven.
V. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (not be) wasn't
very happy yesterday.
2. The people in the café (not be weren't friendly when I was there yesterday.
3. I (leave) lef
4. It (be) was
school bag at school this morning.
a great film in 2001.
5. Our teacher (tell) told
us to be quiet yesterday.
any money.
6. I went to the shop but I (not have) didn't have
7. Susan (not know)didn't Knaabout the exam and she did very badly.
a ticket for the football match yesterday.
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