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01/07 22:41:16

Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes

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Part 1. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes.

Promoting children’s self-esteem seems to be one of the aims of modern childcare and education. It goes (1) _______ with a culture in which children are (2) _______ for the most minor achievements. While this promotion of self-esteem is, rightly, a reaction against (3) _______ times when children weren’t praised enough, it also seems to be (4) _______ a fear of how failure will affect children: a fear that if they don’t succeed at a task, they will somehow be damaged.

However, the opposite may well be true. Many scientists spend years experiencing (5) _______ failure in the lab until they make a breakthrough. They know that ultimately this process advances scientific knowledge. (6) _______, children need to experience failure to learn and grow. If children have been praised for everything they’ve done, regardless of how good it is, then failure in adult life will be all the more painful.

Life is full of (7) _______ and there is no point in trying to protect children from the disappointments that (8) _______ them. Parents and educators shouldn’t be afraid of picking up on children’s mistakes, as long as they also praise them when they do well. After all, the heroes children try to (9) _______ the pop stars and footballers, have all reached the top (10) _______ruthless competition. Like them, children need to learn how to cope with failure and turn it to their advantage.

1. A. cap in hand              B. hand in hand           C. to show                D. without saying

2. A. enthusiastically         B. devotedly                C. immensely            D. thoroughly

3. A. grimmer                   B. more unrelenting     C. more unsparing     D. sterner

4. A. consequent upon       B. owing to                  C. culminated in        D. resulted from

5. A. concurrent                B. consequent              C. consecutive           D. continual

6. A. All the same             B. By the same token C. In like manner   D. In similar fashion

7. A. flies in the ointment                                     B. obstacle courses   

   C. spanners in the works                                   D. stumbling blocks

8. A. put great store by      B. lie in wait for           C. hold in store for       D. wait up for

9. A. duplicate                  B. emulate                   C. replicate                  D. stimulate

10. A. in the face of          B. in the teeth of          C. irrespective of  D. without regard to

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