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01/07/2024 23:20:42

Fill in the blank space in each sentence with and, but, so, or, because, therefore, however

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 7. Fill in the blank space in each sentence with and, but, so, or, because, therefore, however.
1. Polly's watch was broken...................she borrowed mine
2. My family went to Africa.....................we wanted to study the wild animals.
3. Melissa tried to read the book
............. she couldn't understand it.
4. She isn't English....................she speaks English perfectly.
5. They went to town
......... bought a lot of clothes.
6. The road was under water, .................. the police closed it to traffic.
7. The air is polluted. .............. there's too much traffic.
8. I haven't got a car ..................I've got a motorbike.
9. Study harder will fail the coming exam.
10. She's working late next Friday...................she can't come to the party.
11. Would you like some water
some fruit juice?
12. I was hungry .................. didn't eat on the plane. The food didn't look appetizing.
13. We wanted to go to the beach.................... it started to rain, we stayed at home.
14. Someone switched the freezer off. ............... all the food was spoilt.
15. The water in the river is polluted,
we cant go swimming.
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