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02/07 20:43:52

Read the following passage and indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 12. Read the following passage and indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Unlike life in the countryside which is often considered to be simple and traditional, life in the city is modern and complicated.
People, from different regions, move to the cities in the hope of having a better life for them and their children. The inhabitants
in city work as secretaries, businessmen, teachers, government workers, factory workers and even street vendors or construction
The high cost of living requires city dwellers, especially someone with low income, to work harder or to take a part-time job.
For many people, an ordinary day starts as usual by getting up in the early morning to do exercise in public parks, preparing for
a full day of working and studying, then travelling along crowed boulevards or narrow streets filled with motor scooters and
returning home after a busy day. They usually live in large houses, or high-rise apartment blocks or even in a small rental room
equipped with modern facilities, like the Internet, telephone, television, and so on. Industrialization and modernization as well as
global integration have big impact on lifestyle in the cities. The most noticeable impact is the Western style of clothes. The "ao
dai" - Vietnamese traditional clothes big are no longer regularly worn in Vietnamese women's daily life. Instead, jeans, T-shirts
and fashionable clothes are widely preferred.
The most important reason why people move to the city is that
A. to take part-time job B. to look for a better life C. to have busy day. D. to look for a complicated life
2. According to the passage, the city life can offer city dwellers all of the following things EXCEPT
A. friendly communication with neighbours B. the Internet C. a variety of jobs in different fields D. modern facilities
We can infer from the passage that
A. people do morning exercise in public parks because they have much free time
B. there is a big gap between the rich and the poor in the city
C. people leave the countryside because life there is simple
Industrialization and modernization may lead to
A. global integration
C. the fact that women no longer wear ao dai
The word "impact" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. situation
B. action
D. most of the urban dwellers have low income
B. the disappearance of Western-styled clothes
D. some changes in lifestyles
C. effect
D. force
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