Đỗ Thư | Chat Online
03/07/2024 21:34:44

Some, any, someone, something, anyone, noone, anything,nothing, somewhere or anywhere

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
11.There is (someone/anyone) at the
12. You must be hurry. Would you like (something/ anything) to eat?
13. Quick, Let's go! There's (someone/anyone) coming and I don't want (someone/ anyone) to see us.
14. Sally was upset about (something/ anything) and refused to talk to (someone/ anyone). refused to clu su me the
15. This machine is very easy to use. (Anyone/ Noone) can learn to use it in a very short time.vt choi Imj
16. She told (nobody/ anybody) about her wedding. V
17. (Everyone/ someone) knows the man is a thief, but (anyone/ noone) dares to say so publicly.
18. What's in that box? - (Nothing/ Anything). It's empty. V
19. I don't know (nothing/ anything) about economics. V
20. The accident looked serious but fortunately (nobody/ anybody) was injured.
VN Ex5: Some, any, someone, something, anyone, noone, anything,nothing, somewhere or anywhere.
1. A: We haven't got
B: You'd better go to the shop, then. We need
2. A: Would you like
cheese and biscuits?
tomatoes, too.
B: Oh, no thank you. That was delicious, but I couldn't eat
3. A: There's
B: Are you expecting.
4. A: Has
at the door.
offered to help you with the tea?
B: No, but I'd be very grateful for,
5. A: I was looking for
B: You said you were looking for
6. A: Does
help you can give.
and now I can't remember what it was.
mind if I open the window?
B: No, please do. We all need
7. A: Where shall we go on holiday?
fresh air.
8. A: What happened to Sally last night?
B: I don't know exactly. She was upset about
to eat?
to eat. But I'm thirsty, I want
B: I don't mind.
near Jim?
9. A: Would you like
B: No, I don't want
A: What would you
10. A: Do you live
12. I didn't have
13. Were there
name, but he wanted to discuss
15. You must be hungry. Would you like
who saw the accident should contact the police.
money, so I had to borrow
B: Let's go
warm and sunny.
and refused to talk to
to drink.
B: No, he lives in another part of town.
rang while you were out. He refused to give his
with you.
to eat?
16. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost
?- Well, I was looking for
but now I can't remember what it was.
17. Did you get the oil? - No, there wasn't
18. What did you say? -
came to visit me when I was in hospital.
calls for me? Yes,
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