Nguyễn Trang Nhi | Chat Online
07/07/2024 12:42:03

Read the following passage and decide whether each of the statements 1-5 is TRUE or FALSE

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII Read the following passage and decide whether each of the statements 1-5
Nothing is as precious as good health. Following are some guidelines to being fit
and healthy:
Eat a healthful diet. You should eat a variety of food. You should not eat too
much sugar or fat.
A diet without sugar or fat is not good, either. Eat a lot of vegetables. Avoid junk
food and soft drinks. Remember to drink a lot of water.
Exercise regularly. You can play a sport three or four times a week. You can
even give up your bikes and cars and walk.
Maintain a daily routine. This routine should balance between life and
work. Being under great stress can destroy your health very quickly.
Good health is what everyone wishes for. It is neither difficult nor easy to stay fit.
You need to be determined to do good things for your health.
True False
A healthful diet is important to your health.
You should never eat sugar or fat.
Walking is also a form of exercise.
Feeling stressed is bad for your health.
The passage gives reasons why we have to be healthy.
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