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08/07/2024 10:59:16

Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form

XVI. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form
1. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________ (smoke).
2. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.
3. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.
4. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.
5. He'd better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work) harder.
6. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and __________________ (play) the saxophone.

7. You'd better __________________ (start) __________________ (dig) the garden.
8. I expected someone __________________ (pick) up these papers.
9. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal __________________ (not /attack) Rome.
10. It was interesting __________________ (watch) our cat __________________ (play)

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