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17/07/2024 16:57:34

Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the
correct answer A, B, C, or D.
What is better: living in a horizontal or a vertical city?
Vertical cities are the ones that are built up with tall buildings for housing and
space, so there is more land for
offices. These buildings certainly take up (1)
parks and playgrounds. Many people, especially those with low or middle income,
choose to live in high-rise buildings because it costs less than houses. They would also
enjoy more (2)
that those residential buildings offer, such as supermarkets,
fitness clubs, restaurants, and many other convenient amenities.
cities are built out. They have much shorter buildings and more cottages
or houses with wide lanes and private gardens. Horizontal cities are, therefore, less
crowded and polluted. Living and working there is a pleasure. People who live in a
horizontal city could have larger garages and gardens. As a result, they would be
able to devote more time to outdoor (4)
such as gardening or car washing.
Children have more space to play. This is good for their mental health. It is also safer
to live in horizontal cities. In emergency situations such as a fire or a(n) (5)
the evacuation of people in low-rise buildings and houses would be faster and the
damage would be lower.
1. A. more
B. little
C. less
D. fewer
2. A. facilities
B. places
C. activities
D. experiences
3. A. Large
B. Flat
C. Other
4. A. leisure
5. A. accident
B. hobbies
C. benefits
B. flood
C. home breaking
D. Horizontal
D. time
D. earthquake
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