Vũ Huyền Diệu | Chat Online
18/07/2024 19:40:53

Read the situations and give suggestions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the situations and give suggestions
You'd better...
My advice would be...
Why don't you ...?
I think you should...
If I were you, I would...
It might be...
Kyna dar
1. I am preparing for my trip to the beach. But I don't know what to bring.
What do you suggest?
2. I usually get jet lag after a long-haul flight. What would you do if you were
3. I'm visiting Japan next month. Can you recommend some places to go?
4. Where should I go when I visit your country?
5. I'm travelling to the UK this winter but I don't like cold weather. Could you
suggest some items for me to bring?
6. I'm going to France next week, what do you think I should do?
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