Gau_luoi | Chat Online
21/07/2024 10:36:45

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
18. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
A. brother
B. these
19.The people here are
A. friendly
B. delicious
20.He likes playing table tennis,
A. and
B. but
A. Won't
B. Can't
C. thought
D. clothes
C. polluted
D. long
he can't play it.
C. so
D. or
D. Mustn't
_walk in the rain. It's not good for your health.
22.I think "Tom and Jerry is the best
A. film
B. sport
C. Don't
C. newsreel
23.In the future, we won't go on holiday to the beach but we
A. must
A. Unless
A. because
26.My house is
A. to the left
C. might
D. cartoon
go on holiday to the moon.
D. won't
B. can't
the air is cleaner; people will have less breathing problems.
B. When
25.They couldn't go on a picnic
B. when
C. If
the weather was bad.
C. but
D. Because
D. or
to the supermarket.
B. behind
C. near
D. next
27.At the weekend we can play a ...... of badminton or join in a football match.
A. sport
B. game
C. match
28.Football is an
.... game.
A. outdoor
B. indoor
C. individual
29. Kien is not very...
..... He never plays games.
A. sport
B. sporting
C. sporty
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