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21/07/2024 16:01:39

Read the text again.Answer the questions

help me! Nhanh voi aaa
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A New Home
Paula and Gary lived in a modern house, It had a living room and a kitchen on
the ground floor and on the first floor two bedrooms, one with a balcony and
bathroom. Next to the house they had a garage for their car, and they aven had a
small garden with a little gate painted green. it sounds perfect!
But paula and gary weren't happy. they both wanted to live somewhere more
interesting, so they started to look for a new home. they were looking at homes
on the internet one day, when tim, gary's dad, had a idea. tim had his own lorry
business and he was selling one of his lorries. Why didn't Paula and Gary buy it
and make it into their new home? Gary and paula thought this was a brilliant
idea and bought it that same day.
It was a busy year; Gary was building everything for their new home, whild
Paula wa working. He built cupboards around the cooker and the sink and he
even built the shower. They bought a small sofa because there wasn't anough
space for a big one.
Finally, six months ago,gary finished the work on the lorry and they moved in.
Gary and Paula love their new home! Paula thinks the best thing is the entrance
made of wood and glass and Gary loves the high ceiling because he's tall
There's no place like home!
4. Read the text again.Answer the questions. many floors did Paula and Gary's old house have? Wha
2. Why did Gary and paula want to leave their old home?
3. What did Gary and Paula buy from Tim?
4. Who built the things for the new home?
5. When did Gary and paula move into their new home?
6. What do Paula and Gary like most about their new home?
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