phong nguyen | Chat Online
22/07/2024 10:44:08

There are five simple sentences, three compound sentences in the following passage. Write, simple, compound

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
B.1: There are five simple sentences, three compound sentences in the following passage. Write,
simple, compound.
1. Life is a bed of thorns.
2. It is never a bed of roses.
3. Man struggles hard to earn his living.
4. He runs after money and wants to enjoy power.
5. In the race for money and power he gets hurt.
6. Fears, worries and frustration hurt his mind.
7. He becomes restless and loses peace of mind.
8. He realises that money is not everything in life.
9. It gives temporary satisfaction, but robs him of peace and happiness in life.
10. What makes man happy is contentment.
B.2: The sentences in the following passage are in different patterns. Identify the pattern of each
sentence and mention the pattern against the respective sentence.
1) I have read theRamayana.
2) Maharshi Valmiki wrote this famous epic.
3) It deals with the life and work of lord Ramachandra.
4) He was the son of Dasaratha of Ayodhya.
5) It also tells us the story of Ravan, the demon king of Lanka.
6) People called Ramachandra Purushottam.
7) He was an incarnation of God.
8) Ravan was a great politician.
9) Ramachandra, his wife Sita and brother Laxman went to forest.
10) King Dasaratha died.
11)Bharat became the king of Ayodhya.
12)But he respected his elder brother Ramachandra.
13) He regarded him God.
14)Ravan in disguise kidnapped Sita.
15) The bird Jatayu saw it.
16) It gave the two grieving brothers this news.
17)Ravan was very arrogant.
18) He did not listen to Ramachandra's request.
19) He did not leave Sita.
20)Ramachandra invaded Lanka.
21)Bibhisan, Sugrib, Hanuman and their men helped Ramachandra
22)Ramachandra killed Ravan and rescued Sita.
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