Đình Hoàng Đậu | Chat Online
22/07/2024 16:29:54

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. It's good for you
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
out and play a sport.
A. to going
B. to go
C. go
D. going
2. My parents never let me
with strangers.
A. hang out
B. hung out
C. hanging out
D. to hang out
3. Mrs. Cohen tried
A. finishing
B. finish
4. She adores
all the housework before going to bed.
ancient coins and foreign banknotes.
C. finishes
D. to finish
A. to collect
B. to collecting
5. The cartoon is funny and it makes me
B. to laugh
A. laughing
6. He dislikes
A. being
B. is
7. My friend doesn't mind
A. to help
B. helping
disturbed while he is thinking.
C. to be
me whenever I am in need.
C. collecting
D. collect
a lot.
C. laugh
D. laughs
D. be
8. If you want to pass your exams, you'd better
A. to change
B. changing
C. help
C. to changing
D. to helping
your attitude towards studies!
D. change
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