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23/07/2024 21:04:44

Indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
C. stoppe
Ex 4: indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. The band has just brought
2. If you don't know what the word means, try to guess or
B. in
their second album. A. out
C. on
D. up
in the dictionary.
3. The Smiths will move to Paris, but we hope to..... with them.
A. keep on touch
B. keep to touch
B. off
D. keep at touch
C. on
C. keep in touch
his offer of help. A. down
for her on her 21" birthday next week. A. to buy B. will buy C. would buy
4.1 just wondered why she turned
5. He asked me what
6. This company has gone bankrupt. Do you know who will
7. The people in my village cannot earn enough money for their
handicrafts. They have to find other jobs.
8. When it started to snow, he
A. help out
his overcoat. A. took out
A. looked for
D. up
D. bought
? A. take care of it B. look after it C. take it over D. turn it up
daily life. They
this traditional
D. set up
C. work on
C. took off D. put on
B. live on
B. put off.
B. turned up
C. took off
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in the following question
9: She got up as soon as the alarm clock
D. went of
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