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24/07/2024 14:41:21

Complete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Complete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous.
1. Ava: What are you doing, Joshua?
Joshua: I
2. Abby: How do you usually go to school?
Levi: My mother
(read) a magazine about food around the world.
(drive) me to school.
(play) badminton with Tim next Saturday morning.
3. Phillip: Are you free next Saturday morning?
Zaire: Sorry, but I
4. Baker: What time does your brother often have lunch?
(often, have) lunch at 12.30.
Ailani: He
5. Miranda: Is Nathan listening to music right now?
Ella: No, he isn't. He
(watch) a cookery show.
(study) chemistry in their room.
6. Isla: Where are your twin brothers?
Sophie: They
7. Alice: What are you bringing to her birthday party?
Ryland: I
(give) her a teddy bear and a box of chocolate.
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