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25/07/2024 10:24:40

Identify and correct 10 mistakes in the following passage

EXERCISE 2 : Identify and correct 10 mistakes in the following passage
We can all everyone imagine an intrepid explorer, cutting his way through a thick jungle. But what exactly is a jungle, and where are the great jungles of the world.
One definition of jungle are an area of thick tangled plant growth at ground level. But, as this could also refer to your garden when you haven't had time to cut the grass for a week or two, the
team 'jungle' is generally reserved to describe dense rain forests in tropical regions. However, some large forests in subtropical or even warm temperate regions are sometimes described as jungles. The major jungles are founded in Central and South America, Africa and South East Asia.There have also jungles in North Australia, and even parts of the USA, such as Florida.
Although it is rarely as hot than in the desert, the temperature in the jungle is always warm Jungles are also categorised by their heavy rainfall, their darkness on ground level - due to the inability of sunlight to break through the thick vegetation - and the wide variety of plants and animal species are found in them.
As has been widely reported lately recently, the great jungles of the world are now facing their greatest danger: humans. Each year, somewhere between seven and twenty millions hectares of jungle are destroyed.
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