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Giải cac sbaif tập sau

Giúp tớ bài 4,5,6,7,8 vs ạ tớ cần gấp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. A. In
2. B. boring
3. A. expectedly
4. A. size
5. A. point

VIII. Read and answer
The first language you learn to speak is called your native language. As a baby, you listened to your parents or other people speaking and then imitated the sounds you heard. Babies seem to be born with an ability to learn the language they hear. Native speakers learn as children to use the right words and arrange them in the right order without even thinking about it. If English is your native language, you know automatically that "I going bed" is wrong, but "I am going to bed" is right. If you learn a second language, you have to memorize its words and learn its rules. That’s why learning a second language can be difficult. Young children can learn a new language very easily. If they are surrounded by people speaking a different language, they soon learn to speak it as well as their native language. But as people grow older, it becomes more difficult to learn new languages. People gradually lose the ability to learn the grammar and pronounce the sounds of another language. People who learn a new language as adults usually have a "foreign accent" when they speak it.

1. According to the passage, a native language you learn to speak is...
A. the first language you learn to speak.
B. the language you speak with a “foreign accent”.
C. a language you learn to speak as an adult.
D. a new different language you learn to speak.

2. According to the passage, learning a second language can be difficult because...
A. we must have a “foreign accent” when we speak it.
B. we are surrounded by people speaking a different language.
C. few of us are born with an ability to learn the language you hear.
D. it becomes more difficult to learn a new language when people grow older.

3. Which of the followings is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Babies seem to have an ability to learn the language they hear.
B. Children gradually lose the ability to learn the grammar and pronounce the sounds of a new language.
C. Native speakers learn to speak as children.
D. Young children have difficulty learning a new language.

4. The word “them” refers to...
A. children
B. right words
C. native speakers
D. babies

5. The phrase “surrounded by people” mostly means...
A. having people around
B. helping many people
C. attracting a lot of people
D. needing people
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