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27/07/2024 19:48:19

Complete the following conversation by filling in the correct word form

cíu vs, sai thì sửa giúp m vs ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. David/ want some coffee? => ________
6. she/ have three daughters => ________
7. when/ she/ go to her Chinese class? => ________
8. why/ I/ have to clean up? => _________

Exercise 6: Complete the following conversation by filling in the correct word form.

My cousin, Peter, (have) has .... a dog. It (be) was ... an intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name (be) was ... Kiki and it (like) likes ... eating pork. However, it (never/ bite) .......... anyone; sometimes it (bark) .......... when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be) ........ very friendly. It (not/ like) .......... eating fruits, but it (often/ play) .......... with them. When the weather (become) .......... bad, it
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