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01/08/2024 17:49:24

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. I have to leave early _______ I won’t be caught in the traffic.
A. in order to B. in case C. so that D. because

2. We should do morning exercises regularly _______ improve our health.
A. so B. in order C. to D. because

3. Schools were closed early _______ students might reach home before the thunderstorm.
A. so B. in case C. in order that D. because

4. The schoolboys are in a hurry _______ they will not miss the first lesson.
A. in order that B. because C. so as D. in case

5. I tiptoed out of the room _______ wake the baby up.
A. so as not to B. in order not C. not to D. so that not

6. Seat belt law was introduced _______ traffic fatalities would be reduced.
A. in order for B. in case C. so D. so that

7. I gave him my email address _______ we could exchange more information.
A. because B. so C. in order D. so that

8. _______ the event to be a great success, they left nothing to chance.
A. In order for B. So that C. So as D. in order that

9. _______ waste electricity, turn off all appliances when they are not in use.
A. In order not to B. So as not C. Not to D. So not to

10. Please be on time _______ the meeting to start punctually.
A. so as B. in order for C. because D. so that
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