Khánh Ly | Chat Online
06/08/2024 23:03:28

Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the box

VIII.    Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the box.


generous                    bad                    optimistic                  healthy

    traditional             quick                     sound                       good

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     generous               bad                    optimistic                  healthy

    traditional             quick                     sound                       good

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1.         A baby can sleep                                  than an adult.

2.         People in the country eat                                 than people in the city.

3.         Our grandparents got dressed                                      than we do nowadays.

4.         Nick speaks English                                        than I do.

5.         That old lady donates                         than her family members.

6.         City people seem to apply modern techniques                                    than country people.

7.         The scientist talked                             about the future of young people in the country that local people.

8.         The paddy fields in my village were                           affected by the floods than the next village.

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