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10/08/2024 22:28:46

Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence

(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in eac
6. I had no money me when I came across a nice shirt.
a. by
b. at
c. on
7. Look ___! There's a big hole in front of you.
a. on
b. over
8. She often goes swimming
a. on
b. over
d. over
c. off
Sunday mornings.
d. out
c. in
9. Jack insisted that he didn't need any help,
a. and
b. so
10. Thousands of people took part in a
a. march
b. gathering
11. It is estimated that four million
a. observers
b. onlookers
c. for
d. at
I helped him anyway.
d. but
of support for free higher education
c. demonstration d. crowd
watched the show on television.
c. viewers
12. Some English words have the same pronunciation
differently, for example, dear and deer..
a. unless
b. since
13. If the engine gets too hot, it
a. starts
14. Do you know the man
a. stands
d. spectators
they are spelled
c. even though
d. only if
to smoke.
b. is starting
c. would start
d. will be started
over there?
b. who stand
c. stood
d. standing
b. to live
c. living
d. to living
15. I hope the children soon got used
a. live
16. Help is needed for families
a. who's
17. The seeds
a. grinded
18. _
a. To win
b. whose
in much smaller house.
homes were destroyed in the storm.
c. which
into flour which is used for pancakes, noodles and breads.
b. are ground
c. are grounded
the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
b. So he wins
19. When I first met him, he wore
a. a brown nice leather jacket
c. a leather nice brown jacket
d. whom
d. ground
c. That he wins d. Winning
b. a nice leather brown jacket
d. a nice brown leather jacket
20. "Won't you have something to drink? ".
a. I'm sorry, I won't
c. I'm afraid I can't
b. Not for me, thank you
d. I've no idea
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