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Choose the correct word to complete the text

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----

Exercise 3. Choose the correct word to complete the text.

My favourite app is a translator app. It’s not a fun app, 1 **because** it really useful! I’m living in Turkey at the moment 2 **and** **because** of my dad’s job. I can’t speak Turkish very well, 3 **but** **because** I’m having lessons. This translator app helps me a lot. At cafés 4 **and** but shops I can check words I don’t know. I have some Turkish friends here. They speak English, 5 **but** they sometimes don’t know words. They use the translator app to find the English words for things. Sometimes the app makes mistakes. We really laugh at mistakes. My translator app is brilliant 6 **but** and it’s my best friend in Turkey!
Exercise 4. Underline the correct word.
I love my grandparents very much. Grandad is always in a good 0 **mood** and Granny is the nicest person in the world.

When I am in trouble, or when I am 1 **upset**, I go and see them. Grandad listens to me when I tell him my problems. He gives me very good advice. Then Granny 2 **lets** me help her in the kitchen - we make biscuits together.

My grandparents are very talented. Grandad is a musician. He 3 **composes** music for films. He’s famous! Granny is a scientist. She has 4 **discovered** three new species of fish! She also 5 **paints** / practices pictures of wild animals in her free time.
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