Usotsuki No Hito | Chat Online
12/08/2024 16:55:34

Which of the following statements is true? Rice plays an important role in the farmers' life because

33. Which of the following statements is true?

A. People only grow rice in the Red River Delta and the Mekong Delta.

B. Rice doesn't need a lot of water to grow.

C. Rice is also grown in some mountainous areas.

D. Rice is the most important crop in Viet Nam.

34. Rice plays an important role in the farmers' life because

A. they can easily get plenty of water supply from the rivers

B. it is the main food and income for many farmers

C. there are many terraced fields in the highlands of Sa Pa

D. most of them live in the Red River Delta and the Mekong Delta

35. Some farmers are adopting____to reduce the environmental impacts.

A. environmentally-friendly farming methods

B. more fertilisers and pesticides

C. more water usage

D. a lot of labour

36. What is NOT a factor that influences the frequency of rice crops?

A. The geographical location.

B. The cultivation techniques.

C. The weather conditions.

D. The skills of the farmers.

37. Rice fields attract many tourists because

A. they are located in rural areas

B. they are stunning to look at during the harvest season

C. they signify wealth in Vietnamese culture

D. they are only found in certain parts of the country
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