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14/08/2024 15:45:45

We can’t got out today because it is very cold

Thêm cả câu 1. Tom can't buy a car because he has got little money.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. We can’t got out today because it is very cold. _____________ (too)
2. I can’t go to school because I feel ill. _____________ (too)
3. I can’t carry this suit because it is very heavy. _____________ (too)
4. You can stay in our house because there are a lot of rooms. _____________ (enough)
5. You can understand perfectly because it is clear. _____________ (enough)
6. The children can have a swim in the river because it is warm. _____________ (enough)
7. You can’t get your driving license because you drive very badly. _____________ (too)
8. I can’t eat this soup because it is disgusting. _____________ (too)
9. Children can’t drink coffee because it is very strong. _____________ (too)
10. Kevin can’t wear these shoes because they aren’t very big. _____________ (enough)
11. We can see the play because there are a lot of tickets left. _____________ (enough)
12. I can’t drink my tea because it has got a lot of sugar. _____________ (too)
13. I can’t have a bath because there isn’t much hot water left. _____________ (too)
14. I can’t make a cake because I haven’t got many eggs. _____________ (enough)
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