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21/08/2024 18:48:42

Complete the advertisement. Put in who, whom, whose, which, where, or why

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 5. Complete the advertisement. Put in Who, whom, whose, which, where, or why

The town of Keswick, (1) ________ lies at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect place for a holiday, and the Derwent Hotel, (2) ________ overlooks the town, is the perfect place to stay. Robin and Wendy Jackson, (3) ________ bought this small hotel three years ago, have already won an excellent reputation. Robin, (4) ________ cooking is one of the reasons (5) ________ the Derwent is so popular, was once Young Chef of the Year. The comfort of the guest, (6) ________ the owners treat almost as members of the family, always comes first. Peter Ustinov, (7) ________ once stayed at the hotel, described it as 'marvellous'. And the Lake District, (8) ________ has so much wonderful scenery and (9) ________ the poet Wordsworth lived, will not disappoint you.
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