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22/08/2024 21:36:10

Fill in each gap with a word in the frame

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Fill in each gap with a word in the frame.

You probably know a lot of people of your own age and who live in your city or (1) __________. Depending on where you volunteer, however, you can get to know many different (2) __________ of people. They might be older or (3) __________ than you, from a different part of your city or county, or different from you in other ways. This can help you develop a more well-rounded view of not only your (4) __________ area but of the world at large.

You might be surprised by the friends you (5) __________. A teen might not normally have the opportunity to spend any length of time with those who are elderly, (6) __________, under the age of 5, or from a more rural or urban area, but by volunteering, you can not only meet these folks but also serve them in a way that might change their (7) __________. In addition, you’ll meet other volunteers who share the same interests as you; they might be very different from you in other ways, but a common (8) __________ can help you forge a friendship.
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