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22/08/2024 22:29:17

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

i. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. These measures are intended to help the disadvantaged...
A band  B. gang  C. community D. society
7. Jane comes from a rich family, and her family lives in a wealthy...
A suburb B. background C. household D. neighbour
8. The drink is a house ... served at the table
A. special 8. speciality C. specialist D. specialism
9. The dub serves a useful ... as a meeting place for teenagers.
A. mission B. goal C. dream D. function
10. The ... of lavender filled the room.
A. air B. fragrance C. fragrant D. liquid
11.I have to take ... of my little sister this afternoon
A. duty B. charge C. care D. protection
12. Local... make their pottery and souvenirs in the workshop
A. farmers B. customers C. sellers D. artisans
13. The tradition has been ... down from father to son for generations. 
A.  Aven B. moved C. changed D. passed
14. We had to wash our clothes  ... hand A. by  B , with C.of D . at
15. The room still has many of its ... features
A. Garfient B. origin C. original D. at features. D. existing
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