leee khanhhh | Chat Online
23/08/2024 14:21:28

Complete the sentences. Put in relative pronouns only if you have to. If the sentence is correct without relative pronouns, write. Also add commas where necessary: 1. The man. paid for the meal was a friend of Tom's. 2. ..

II. Complete the sentences. Put in relative pronouns only if you have to. If the sentence is correct without relative pronouns, write. Also add commas where necessary:

1. The man. paid for the meal was a friend of Tom's.

2. The meeting. we had to attend went on for three hours.

3. My office, is on the second floor of the building, is very small.

4. Jane works for a company. makes shoes.

5. The woman. I was sitting next to talked all the time.

6. This school is only for children. first language is English.

7. Laura had a wooden box, she kept her photos in.

8. I don't know the name of the woman to. I spoke on the phone.

9. Towns. attract tourists are usually crowded in the summer.

10. Somewhere I've got a photo of the mountain. we climbed.

11. The sun, is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.

12. I thought I recognized the assistant. served us.

13. Which is the European country. economy is growing the fastest? 14. John, speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.

15. The detective lost sight of the man he was following.

16. She told me her address, I wrote down on a piece of paper.

17. Sarah, you met yesterday, works in advertising.

18. I'm afraid the numbers I chose didn't win the prize.

19. Electronics is a subject about I knew very little.

20, Mark, car had broken down, was in very bad mood.
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