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23/08/2024 17:14:57

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one

1.     We went to bed early because we were very tired.→ We were so      

2.     The lesson is very difficult. We can’t understand it→ It is such  

3.     The car is so old that he doesn’t want to drive it.→ It is such      

4.     The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out.→ The weather was too      

5.     The film was so interesting that we couldn’t miss it.→ It was such      

6.     The film was very good. We saw it through. (Enough)→ The film was

7.     The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it. (Enough)→ The play was

8.     The children were very late. They couldn’t see the display of fireworks. (Too)→ The children were      

9.     Your brother is very young. He can’t go swimming. (Too)→ He is      

10.  The coffee isn't strong. It won't keep us awake. (Enough)→       

11.  The boy can’t wear the shirt because it’s very tight.


→The shirt is too_______________________

→The shirt is so________________________

→ It is so_____________________________

→ So___________________________

→ It is such______________________

→ Such_________________________


12.  This problem is very difficult. He can’t solve it.


→ The problem is too___________________

→ The problem is so____________________

→ It is such __________________________

→ It is so_____________________________

→ So___________________________

→ It is such ______________________

→ Such_________________________



13.  The man was not able to go on an expedition to the Middle East because he was too old.


→ The man was too____________________

→ The man is so______________________

→ So____________________________


14.  Hoa is very sick. She can’t sit up.


→ Hoa is too________________________

→ Hoa is so______________________

→ So_________________________________


15.  It was very dark, so she couldn’t go out.


→ It was too___________________________

→ It is so______________________________

→ So______________________________


16.  That car was too expensive for me to buy.


→ That car was so_______________________

→ So_________________________________

→ It was so____________________________

→ It was such______________________

→ Such___________________________


17.  The movie was so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing.                                                                                                           


→ The movie was too____________________

→ It was such__________________________

→ It was so___________________________

→ So ____________________________

→ It was such______________________

→ Such___________________________


18.  No one could move the piano. It was very heavy.


→ The piano was too ____________________

→ The piano was so_____________________

→ It was so____________________________

→ So_____________________________

→ It was such______________________

→ Such__________________________


19.  We shouldn’t swim in this river. The water isn’t clean.


→ The river isn’t ________________________

→ The river is too _______________________

→ The river is so________________________

→ It is so_______________________________

→ So______ ______________________

→ It is such_____ __________________

→ Such  _________________________


20.  John couldn’t get to sleep last night. He was worried about exam.


→ John was too__________________________

→ John was so________________________


21.  It was a good book. I couldn’t put it down.


→ The book was too_______________________

→ The book was so____________________


→ It was so______________________________

→ So___________________________________

→ It was such_________________________

→ Such_____________________________


22.  They were beautiful flowers. We took a photograph of them.


→ They were too_________________________

→ They were so___________________________

→ So____________________________________

→ It was such____________________

→ Such________________________


23.  She speaks English well. You would think it was her native language.


à She speaks English too                                                                                                           

à She speaks English so                                                                                                           

à So__________________________

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