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24/08/2024 10:44:06

Choose the correct option

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. were they D. weren't they
17. Lucy can speak Chinese, C. she can
A. she can't D. she can't
18. They won't go to the hairdresser's tomorrow, C. they will D. they won't
19. If you want to stay fit, you should eat that food, D. you should
A. She's a funny book, D. shall we
21. Please come and see me at my office tomorrow, C. you will
22. These are my B., aren't they? A. These are my B., aren't they? C. aren't these D. are these

Exercise 1: Look at the Tag in each of the following sentences. If it is correct, put a √ if it is wrong, correct it.
1. The kid doesn't know you, does she? __________
2. The little girl asked for your help, don't she? __________
3. We won't get your proposal, do they? __________
4. There aren't any milk, is there? __________
5. It didn't tell you what happened, didn't she? __________
6. She feels it like cats, don't she? __________
7. He couldn't finish his book, couldn't he? __________
8. Who has been losing now, doesn't he? __________
9. She won't eat anything, hasn't she? __________
10. This hasn't been scheduled yet, has it? __________
11. John isn't going to become a famous actor, will he? __________
12. I don't like going to the movies, do I? __________
13. No one told him about his plan, didn't they? __________
14. It isn't the same sandwich, shall we? __________
15. The students aren't studying for the English test, are they? __________
16. Susan and Mary didn't spend their holiday together, haven't they? __________
17. It seems like someone is covering, didn't we? __________
18. She always comes late every night, doesn't she? __________
19. John usually hangs out with his friends, isn't it? __________
20. Jane and Laura usually go to the cinema together, doesn't they? __________
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