QUốc Huy Nguyễn | Chat Online
26/08/2024 19:04:26

If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is wrong, write the correct word or phrase

If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (). If it is wrong, write the correct word or phrase.(8p)

1. Could you show to me your book about the moon?

2. Do you sometimes wish you have a bigger boat?

3. I wish people didn't cause so much damage to the environment.

4. Harry wishes that he has studied astrophysics instead of Latin when he was at university.

5. I wish you wouldn't throw rubbish out of the car window!

6. Laura sometimes wishes she can breathe underwater for hours.

7. I bought a new telescope for my dad.

8. I wish it snows during the night!


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