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29/08/2024 14:15:54

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

I like a lot of different actors, (1) __ my real favourites are Daniel Craig and Halle Berry.

Daniel Craig is British and he's a really talented (2) __. He's been in a lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an excellent performance. He was brilliant in Tomb Raider as Alex West, but my (3) __ film is Casino Royale. I think Daniel Craig is a (4) __ James Bond.

Halle Berry is American. She was a model, but then decided to (5) __ an actress. I like her (6) __ she's beautiful. She's a good actress and I think has a great sense of humour. I'm not keen on some of her films, (7) __ Catwoman, but her other films are excellent. My favourite is X-men which is a science fiction film. She plays the (8) __ character Storm, who has the ability (9) __ change the weather.

Daniel Craig and Halle Berry are both entertaining and talented actors. I love (10) __ their films.

Exercise 2 Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box.
safely called in acting production which the to see because performed do

Modern cinema audiences expect (1) __ plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These scenes (2) __ are known as stunts and are usually (3) __ by stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things. Anyone can crash a car, but if you are (5) __ in a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes you drive and stop right in front of the camera and film crew. At (6) __ stage in the (7) __, an expert stuntman is (8) __ to work on the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can against the words of the director, (9) __ he will usually only (10) __ in the regards of.
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