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29/08/2024 20:23:19

Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets

Exercise 4: Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. Jasmine ______________ (fail) her driver’s test three times!
2. They ______________ (establish) the Viet Nam Red Cross Society in 1916.
3. How long ____________ (they/ live) here?~They____________ (move) here two years ago.
4. So far, we ______________ (finish) half of our work.
5. I’m really busy now. I ______________ (study) for the final exam.
6. When ______________(you/ buy) these shirts? ~ I ______________ (buy) them yesterday.
7. __________________ (you/ ever/ be) to Japan? ~ No, I ______________ (not be) to Japan
8. Claire ______________ (volunteer) at the homeless shelter once a week.
9. We volunteer ______________ (help) the elderly in a nursing home.
10. Jane suggested ______________ (donate) old books, and toys to needy children.
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