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29/08/2024 21:11:09

Choose the correct answer

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

1. Volunteers can do general                       such as clean-up projects or home repair.

A. activities                           B. things                    C. labour                    D. jobs

2. My brother and I               a white tiger already.

A. have seen                          B. has seen                C. see                         D. are seeing

3. I                   blood twice, and                   presents to sick children in the hospital recently.

A. donate - give                                                        B. donated — gave

C. have donated - have given                                  D. have donated - gave

4. Volunteering is special                 me because I can help others.

A. at                                        B. for                          C. with                       D. to

5. We  to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we       there by train.

A. flew - went                                                           B. has flown - went

C. have flown - have gone                                      D. have flown - went

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