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29/08/2024 21:28:31

Complete the text with so or such

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 7: Complete the text with so or such.
I don't like doing housework. It is 1 __________ a tiring job that I feel (2) __________ bored every time I have to do it. The chore that I hate most is washing dishes because it is 3 __________ time-consuming. I live in a big family of three generations that I have to wash a huge amount of dishes after every meal. It takes me about 45 minutes to finish all the washing. I am trying to persuade mom to buy a dishwasher. It is (5) __________ an amazing household device because it can both wash the dishes and dry them. I will be (6) __________ happy if my mom buys me one.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. I __________ my dog every day. That is part of my daily routine.
A. feed B. water C. fix D. set
2. Look! My mom is __________ the floor now. She does most household chores in the house.
A. taking B. ironing C. vacuuming D. watering
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