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30/08/2024 12:47:13

Fill in the blanks

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 10: Fill in the blanks
1. Pollution is harmful to the environment.
2. People should recycle and reduce waste.
3. Many animals suffer from pollution.
4. The rain causes pollution because it disrupts balance in ecosystems.
5. Pollution affects everyone, so we must take action.
6. Factories release toxic chemicals.
7. Using bicycles instead of cars reduces pollution and promotes a healthier lifestyle.
8. Technology can help reduce their impact on the environment.

Exercise 11: Read and decide the sentences "compound or complex" sentences.
1. I like to play soccer, and my sister prefers basketball.
2. After the rain stopped, we went for a walk in the park.
3. She sings beautifully, but she never decided to call it a night.
4. Because it was getting late, we rarely find time to swim.
5. Jack loves reading books, yet he has to walk to school.
6. My friend missed the bus; they still went swimming in the lake.
7. Although it was cold outside, we couldn't afford it.
8. Peter wanted to buy a new car, which he couldn't afford.
9. Sara studied hard for the exam, which she passed with flying colors.
10. He enjoyed the movie so much that he watched it twice.

Exercise 12: Combine the sentences and decide if they are compound or complex sentences.
1. The air is polluted. People often have breath problems.
2. Factories release harmful gases. Factories release harmful gases.
3. The water in the river is polluted. Fish cannot live in it.
4. Mary wants to help the environment. She participates in beach clean-ups.
5. The city is experiencing an increase in pollution. The government needs to take action.
6. should reduce plastic usage. The use of plastic contributes to fumes.
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