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03/09/2024 08:50:59

Complete the following sentences, using Relative clauses

Complete the following sentences, using Relative clauses
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7. Where is the nearest shop... ?
8. The man ____________________ is my father.
9. We encountered Jonathan and his cat...
10. I want to know the reason...
11. The book is about the girl...
12. They enter the building...
13. The shop assistant has forgotten the customer...
14. They visited the country...
15. Jessica was working on a computer...
16. I can't find anything...
17. A compass is a tool...
18. I don't remember the day...
19. Everybody loves Owen...
20. This is the most exciting game...

VIII. Reduce relative clauses to phrases.
The dog that is lying on the floor belongs to Gary.
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