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04/09/2024 22:17:57

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or -ing form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 5: Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or -ing form.
1. Remember __________ to go (go) to the bank. You've got to pay the bills.
2. I don’t remember __________ (see) this film before.

English 8 - Consolidation - 1st Term
3. After he had written his first book, he went on __________ (talk) even after his friend had fallen asleep.
4. She went on __________ (argue) with my sister. I should apologise.
5. I regret __________ (tell) you that you have failed your exam.
6. I regret __________ (build) a boat and travel round the world.
7. He hopes __________ (study) very hard.
8. Doing well on this course means __________ (start) this car for hours.
9. I've been trying __________ (put) some petrol in the tank?
10. Why don’t you try __________ (go) out alone at night.
11. I’m afraid __________ (walk) home alone at night.
12. He’s afraid __________ (invite) one of her best friends to the party.
13. She forgot __________ (travel) by plane for the first time.
14. I'll never forget __________ (buy) some chocolate.
15. On the way home he stopped __________ (study) and turned on the TV.
16. He stopped __________ (wash) the windows.
17. These windows are dirty. They need __________ (speak) to Sally, please.
18. She’s really sorry for __________ (shout) at you yesterday.
19. I’m sorry __________ (hear) you've been ill again.
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