Thảo Mai | Chat Online
05/09/2024 10:08:00

Chọn phương án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. The situation is becoming .........................................................
A. more and more worse
B. much and much worse
C. most and most worse
D. worse and worse
3. The team is performing .........................................................
A. more and more better
B. much and much better
C. most and most better
D. better and better
4. She is becoming .........................................................
A. more and more tired
B. much and much tired
C. tireder and tireder
D. most and most tired
5. The flowers are growing .........................................................
A. more and more beautiful
B. much and much beautiful
C. beautifuller and beautifuler
D. most and most beautiful
6. His English is improving .........................................................
A. more and more rapidly
B. much and much rapidly
C. rapidier and rapidier
D. most and most rapidly
7. The weather is becoming .........................................................
A. more and more unpredictable
B. much and much unpredictable
C. unpredictabler and unpredictabler
D. most and most unpredictable
8. Their performance is getting .........................................................
A. more and more impressive
B. much and much impressive
C. impressiver and impressiver
D. most and most impressive
9. Her dance moves are becoming .........................................................
A. more and more fluid
B. much and much fluid
C. fluider and fluider
D. most and most fluid
10. The music is becoming .........................................................
A. more and more catchy
B. much and much catchy
C. catchier and catchier
D. most and most catchy
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