rannè | Chat Online
05/09/2024 13:31:35

Write the correct word for each sentence

help meee
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Classroom objects

1. Write the correct word for each sentence.
1. Your teacher might give you this to check you understand your lessons. **t e s t**
2. You can use this to help you draw a straight line. **r _ _ _**
3. You can write things in this that you want to remember. **n _ _ _ _ _**
4. You can check how to spell a word in this. **d _ _ _ _ _ _**
5. You can use this to draw pictures. **p _ _ _ _ _**
6. You look at this to find out which lessons you have each day. **t _ _ _ _ _**
7. You go here when you want to find a book to read. **t _ _ _ _ _**
8. You might wear this when you go to school. **u _ _ _ _ _**

**Education verbs**
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