10jqk | Chat Online
08/09/2024 09:58:40

Complete the sentences with a suitable connector: although/ though or however/ nevertheless

4 Complete the sentences with a suitable connector: although/ though or however/
nevertheless. (Hoàn thành câu với một liên từ thích hợp although/ though hoặc
1. I am going shopping. It rains,
2. I have studied hard for the exam. I;
Aylin knew the post office's address, he didn't tell me.
4. Hakan drank two cups of coffee
5. Sevgi went to school
7. I missed the bus.
she was ill.
he drank a cup of coffee before.
the exam is so difficult, I had good mark.
8. We don't like camping. We,
9. We still fed the cat
10. He decided to buy that car
11. ……...
I wasn't late for school.
love fishing.
it wasn't hungry.
it was so expensive.
he is 30 already, he doesn't want to work to earn money.
12. I don't know how to play chess. I really want to learn it,
it was late, we still went out for a while.
we didn't have much money, we went shopping very often.
he is absent from work.
15. We managed to do it
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