Tô Hương Liên | Chat Online
09/09/2024 22:50:28

Read the passage and answer these following question.Hello! My name is Peter. I am from America. I’m having a wonderful time in Da Nang. The beach is nice. The hotels look beautiful and the seafood is excellent. The weather is lovely, so I go swimming most of the time. Yesterday, I met a pretty girl from Ha Noi. She was very friendly.Question: Did he meet a pretty girl from Hanoi?_______________________________

Read the passage and answer these following question.

Hello! My name is Peter. I am from America. I’m having a wonderful time in Da Nang. The beach is nice. The hotels look beautiful and the seafood is excellent. The weather is lovely, so I go swimming most of the time. Yesterday, I met a pretty girl from Ha Noi. She was very friendly.

Question: Did he meet a pretty girl from Hanoi?


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