CenaZero♡ | Chat Online
09/09/2024 22:50:51

Read and completelikedoTVplayusuallyHi. My name is Nam. Every morning, I get up early. I (1) ____________ morning exercise, have breakfast and then go to school. After school, I (2) ____________ do homework with my classmates. Then I often go to the sport centre and (3) ____________ football. In the evening, I sometimes watch (4) ____________. I (5)____________ watching films after dinner.Question 4:

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Hi. My name is Nam. Every morning, I get up early. I (1) ____________ morning exercise, have breakfast and then go to school. After school, I (2) ____________ do homework with my classmates. Then I often go to the sport centre and (3) ____________ football. In the evening, I sometimes watch (4) ____________. I (5)____________ watching films after dinner.

Question 4:

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