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09/09/2024 22:52:28

Read and complete.My name is Tony. I often read science books and do sports in gym. I want to be strong and good at science because I would like to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. My friends Mai and Linda like different things. Mai often read books. She would like to be a writer because she would like to write stories for children. Linda often draws pictures in her free time. She would like to be an architect because she would like to design building.NameHobbyFuture jobTonyRead science books ...

Read and complete.

My name is Tony. I often read science books and do sports in gym. I want to be strong and good at science because I would like to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. My friends Mai and Linda like different things. Mai often read books. She would like to be a writer because she would like to write stories for children. Linda often draws pictures in her free time. She would like to be an architect because she would like to design building.



Future job


Read science books and does sports


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