Nguyễn Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
10/09/2024 06:49:34

Read the passage and answer the questions. John Brown is a lecturer. He went to university in 1982, and was one of the best students at that time. In 1990, he became a professor. He has been a senior lecturer since then. He is a very well known in his teaching career. He has written five books about education, including a book “How to teach deaf children” in 1995. He is married to his assistant, Linda. They have two children.Who is he married to?………………………………………………………………………………………

Read the passage and answer the questions.

John Brown is a lecturer. He went to university in 1982, and was one of the best students at that time. In 1990, he became a professor. He has been a senior lecturer since then. He is a very well known in his teaching career. He has written five books about education, including a book “How to teach deaf children” in 1995. He is married to his assistant, Linda. They have two children.

Who is he married to?


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