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10/09/2024 13:10:01

Read and complete.mountain beautiful king history byMy name is Phong. Yesterday morning. I visited the Temple of (1)____ Hung in Phu Tho Province. I went there (2)____bus with my classmates. The temple is on Nghia Linh (3)___.It's more (4)___than I expected. My classmate liked the to learn more about the (5)___of Viet Nam and the peopleQuestion 3

Read and complete.

mountain beautiful king history by

My name is Phong. Yesterday morning. I visited the Temple of (1)____ Hung in Phu Tho Province. I went there (2)____bus with my classmates. The temple is on Nghia Linh (3)___.It's more (4)___than I expected. My classmate liked the to learn more about the (5)___of Viet Nam and the people

Question 3

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