Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
10/09/2024 16:58:39

IV. Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B to form meaningful sentences. (1 m)AB17.Eat a lot of red fruits and vegetables18. Eat less high-fat food19. Don’t read or study when there’s not enough light20. Eat enough calories.a. because it is harmful for your eyes.b. or you will become weak and tired.c. to keep you from getting fat.d. because they provide vitamin A which is good for the eyes.17 -18 -19 -19 -

IV. Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B to form meaningful sentences. (1 m)


17.Eat a lot of red fruits and vegetables

18. Eat less high-fat food

19. Don’t read or study when there’s not enough light

20. Eat enough calories.

a. because it is harmful for your eyes.

b. or you will become weak and tired.

c. to keep you from getting fat.

d. because they provide vitamin A which is good for the eyes.

17 -18 -19 -19 -
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