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10/09/2024 17:02:02

Fill in blanks withwoulddisappearwrongcommoncoughfeltslightsymptomstakeheadacheLan: Good morning!Doctor: Good morning! Take a seat, please! What's ................ (1) with you?Lan: Yes, I have a ................. (2) and a stomachache. I .......... (3) very tired.Doctor: Well, I need to...................... (4) your temperature first.Lan: OKDoctor: ................ (5) you open your mouth, please? Thanks! That's 39 C. You have a ................... (6) fever. Do you have a runny nose, ...

Fill in blanks with


Lan: Good morning!

Doctor: Good morning! Take a seat, please! What's ................ (1) with you?

Lan: Yes, I have a ................. (2) and a stomachache. I .......... (3) very tired.

Doctor: Well, I need to...................... (4) your temperature first.

Lan: OK

Doctor: ................ (5) you open your mouth, please? Thanks! That's 39 C. You have a ................... (6) fever. Do you have a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing?

Lan: Yes, I ................. (7) very much.

Doctor: All right. You catch the ................. (8) cold. Don't worry. Your cold will last for a few days and then ................... (9) itself. I will you some medicines to relieve the .................... (10)

Lan: Thank you!

Question 10

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